Launching into learning - Birth - 5 Years Olds

Children’s experiences in the early years are really important for their future development. During Launching into Learning we aim to provide opportunities for children birth to 5 to build their independence, creativity and thinking skills.

Launching into Learning is a free program where you and your child can get to know your local school and community. At Penguin District School, three programs are designed for children to learn through play and exploration alongside the people that mean the most to them, their family.

  • Mini Music Makers allow children to learn through dancing, movement, making music and song/rhyme
  • Play Gym is a movement based program where children are able to develop their physical potential alongside learning key social skills
  • Play Group is an indoor/outdoor program which allows your child to be immersed in experiences that will enhance their ability to communicate, think, problem solve and work together through play

A number of ‘Pop Up Playgroups’ are available throughout the school year including Nature Playgroup, park, farm and library visits.

Playing together helps to build lasting relationships, strengthens the transition from home to school and allows your child to experience learning that is engaging and builds skills for life.

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